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Keeping Children Safe Online - click for further information and links on keeping your child safe when using the internet.


Thinkuknow - Online Safety Activities


RM Unify - Log in at home using your school login details. This allows them to use any of the programs we have on unify at home - possibilities include Purple Mash, J2e - coding, J2code and animation programs (Spotlight), presenting tools and spelling.

BBC Bitesize - Daily lessons released for Maths and English for all year groups, as well

as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more.


Creative Writing Competition - Please click here for all details required - entry deadline 30th April.




TT Rockstars - Times tables practice


Sumdog - Maths Facts practice


Mr Walter's Key Stage 2 Mathematical Games - from Nrich website
Notes for parents available here (please read first!) 


More Mr Walter's Mathematical games (again, using the Nrich website)


Maths on the Move - Home Challenge - Activities you can do at home to combine physical

activities and maths together - including Trail sheet


Transum - Maths Puzzles and Games


Top Marks - Activities for all maths areas


Hit the Button - Quick fire maths facts game, free online or can be downloaded as an app for a small charge)


MathsZone - Range of Maths Activities and Games


White Rose Maths


My Mini Maths - Lots of home learning resources, video clips, and mini tasks




Storytime online 


Literacy Trust






New member sign up - fill it in with an email and create a password.


WhizzPopBang  - Free science activities for Year 5


BBC Schools - Lots of videos and activities for children to use at home on a range of topics

Scratch - Free to use and download coding program

Hour of Code - Coding activities that link to pop culture

Go Noodle - Learning games and activities to get children moving

BBC Supermovers - Physical activities linked to Maths and English Learning

James Dyson Foundation - Challenge cards for Science Activities


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