Gig Mill Primary School
Together we care, together we succeed
Week commencing 13th July 2020
Hi Year 5,
Can you believe we are in our final week? At the beginning of lockdown we could never imagine having this much time away from school but think how well you’ve adapted and the new skills you’ve learnt- from valuable life skills such a cooking and housework to developing your own interests and creativity. Your parents have had to become teachers overnight and you’ve had to cope without seeing your friends and wider family. We cannot put into words how proud we are of all you’ve achieved. We know some weeks have been harder than others but you’ve persevered and tried your best and that’s all that matters.
This week is all about consolidating your learning. We would like you to summarise what you’ve learnt during our American topic. Look back at your work this term and select the key facts to write your own information text. Send us a photo of your work to:
We would like to wish you all an amazing summer holiday- you truly deserve this break. Remember, if you wish, you can still continue to learn through all the super websites we shared at the beginning of lockdown that are on our school website. And of course, please keep up with your reading!
Best wishes to you all and your families- you are amazing! We are so proud of you!
Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage, Mrs Rumble and Miss Wilcox
Week commencing 6th July 2020
Hi Year 5,
How are you all? How did you get on with learning a new skill? We would love to hear about it via: .We have enjoyed looking at the work you have completed on Purple Mash, we will carry on looking at what you have done – did you know we can give you rewards for your work?
This week is all about food! Not sure about you but your Year 5 teachers have been enjoying a lot of comfort food during lockdown. Maybe you’ve tried some American treats yourself, such as American pancakes, apple pie, hamburgers or a Texas style BBQ? Hmmmmmmmmmm- sounds so delicious doesn’t it? Why not try making a dish or put together your own menu. What would you call your restaurant? What would be on your specials board or set menu? We can’t wait to see your ideas!
Enjoy your cookery week master chefs!
Take care,
Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage, Mrs Rumble and Miss Wilcox
Week commencing 29th June 2020
Hello Year 5,
We hope you enjoyed planning your USA road trip? Has it inspired you to visit some day?
This week we would like you to explore some famous USA landmarks. You may want to explore: The Empire State Building in New York, The White House or The Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe look at landmarks in different regions to your road trip to learn something new. Try to find out about their history and meaning.
Don’t forget to keep going with your well-being task this week too. Whatever skill you chose last week, keep bouncing back and persevering. Sometimes things take time to learn and master but the hard work will pay off!
This week, you will notice in our overviews that where a video is being used from YouTube we are accessing it through ‘SafeYouTube’ to make sure that the content that you see is always safe and suitable. You will now only see the video that we wish to share via the link on our overview which helps to ensure that we are all keeping safe online.
In our weekly overviews, we will now set some tasks through Purple Mash. You’ll most likely see these links in the computing section but we may set tasks in other subjects too. When you log in to Purple Mash, please check the ‘2do’ section where we have linked the task. When clicking this link, you’ll be able to save your work and hand it in to your teachers. This way, we can view all your hard work. You may also notice a few handy tips (in green font) to help you along the way. We hope that these changes will help make life a little easier at home.
Keep going Year 5 - you’re doing brilliantly!
Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage, Mrs Rumble and Miss Wilcox
Week commencing 22nd June 2020
Hello Year 5!
We hope you are all well and staying positive. We miss you all so much and we love to see the work you send in to school, so please keep up with all your learning and hard work. We are so proud of everything you’ve achieved and shared with us via Please keep us posted with any future work; we love seeing your smiley faces and incredible work.
This week in IL, you will plan a road trip around the USA visiting your favourite attractions along the way. This will involve many skills: computing, geography, persuasive writing and art and design! We hope you have fun planning your dream trip. Maybe you’ll get to visit some day?
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage, Miss Wilcox and Mrs Rumble.
Week commencing 15th June 2020
Hello Year 5,
We hope you’ve had a good week and you’re keeping well. This week we are learning about the Native American community. After reading the information and watching the video on the overview, we would like you to get crafty and make a variety of traditional items such as a dream catcher.
Did you know some people hang dream catchers above the beds of sleeping children to protect them from bad dreams. Many Legends say that the spider web design of the dream catcher would allow good dreams to pass through and float down the hanging beads and feathers to the sleeping children. Maybe you could make one to hang above your bed?
Don’t forget to show us your creations using the email: putting Year 5 in the header.
Enjoy being creative!
Take care,
Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage, Mrs Rumble and Miss Wilcox
Week commencing 8th June 2020
Hello Year 5,
We hope you are all well and have been able to get out and walk in the park, play on your bikes or just be outside in the fresh air with your families. This week in our wellbeing focus it is ‘World Ocean Day’ on the 8th June (see the activities on the overview.) This is a world-wide event to help conserve the ocean’s habitats and protect everything that lives in the ocean. You can find out more at
In our science, we are looking at air resistance – we want you to make a parachute 😊, don’t worry, there is a link to show you how! Don’t forget to send us your pictures or videos of you launching your parachute using the email putting ‘year 5’ in the title box.
Finally, remember to keep working on your times tables, spellings and school work as well as having fun and keeping active!
Keep safe and keep smiling.
Mrs Rumble, Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage and Miss Wilcox
Week commencing 1st June 2020
Hello Year 5,
Welcome to the official start of summer! We hope you had a great half term, maybe you tried something new, got creative or got outside to go for a walk with your family. We are really amazed with all the fantastic things you have been doing with your time at home – it’s been great to see all the messages you have sent to our account. We have loved reading them all and catching up with your news and activities. (Remember to use Y5 in the email subject if you do send us any pictures.)
We have organised another set of tasks for you this week. We are continuing with Oak Academy for English and Maths but if you fancy something more creative, check out the Music section. You can work alone or with your family and with or without instruments – let your ideas flow.
You have now reached the Marvellous Middle of our “Stars and Stripes” topic. We hope you have found out some amazing facts about the USA. Maybe you have tried some American foods? Listened to some music or planned your own dream American road-trip.
Whatever you are doing at this time, we hope that you are keeping well and being safe at home with your family. We are missing all of your conversations, smiles and brilliant questions but we are really proud of everything you are doing during this time. Remember to keep a balance between school work and exploring your own choice of learning. Mrs Savage is enjoying cook-a-long webinars and learning to play the piano (badly), while Mrs Kumar is getting arty. Meanwhile Mrs Rumble is being mindful through yoga and Miss Wilcox has added to her repertoire of dance routines and developed her drawing skills.
Make sure you all take time to be mindful – get creative or involve yourself in a hobby you enjoy.
Be safe, be happy,
We miss you all,
Mrs Savage, Mrs Kumar, Miss Wilcox and Mrs Rumble
Week commencing 18th May 2020
Hello Year 5!
We hope you are all keeping safe and well. Did you enjoy the bank holiday? We hope you had a lovely day and possibly even had some VE day celebrations with your families at home. Hopefully you have all received your letters that we sent out to you and hope you enjoyed reading them. We loved writing them.
Now is the time of year where we would be preparing for our school Sports Day. This week, we have linked your P.E task to Sports Day so that you can have some exciting Sports Day style games and races with your families. We can’t wait to hear what extra races you have created yourselves too!
This week, our topic focus is Thanksgiving Day. We hope you enjoy learning about this American tradition. It has been amazing to see how engaged you have been with our America topic so far and all of the great research and artwork, which has been taking place.
Please keep sending us your amazing work to our email address, with Year 5 in the subject. It has been so lovely for us all to see what fantastic things you have been getting up to at home J.
Next week is your half term week! Have a wonderful, restful time with your families.
Take care and stay safe.
We miss you!
Miss Wilcox, Mrs Rumble, Mrs Kumar and Mrs Savage
Week commencing 11th May 2020
Hello Year 5,
We hope you enjoyed the sunshine last week and that you are still managing to do lots of things whilst you are at home. We hope you are enjoying our new topic of America - maybe you have been to America and could write a story about what you did when you were there or a collage of pictures showing your holiday? You know we all love seeing and hearing about your adventures!
This week we have set you some work finding out about different traditions in America and how the geography of an area affects what grows and lives there. We have also added some singing and a sports challenge. If you are growing plants in your garden or on your windowsill you can use these in our science topic, maybe you could take a picture every week to see how it changes as it grows.
Whatever you are doing, keep your brain and body active and hopefully the weather will stay nice so you can spend time outside enjoying the fresh air.
Why not send us a picture of your Statue of Liberty artwork or a new skill you have learnt in ‘Keep active’? You can use our new email address - - putting Year 5 in the header.
Keep smiling, 😊
Mrs Savage, Mrs Kumar, Miss Wilcox and Mrs Rumble
Week Commencing 4th May 2020
Hello Year 5!
Did you see our school video message (on our website) and spot your year 5 teachers? We would love to see what you have been up to as well, so remember you can keep us posted with photos and messages and email them to: (Please put Y5 in the email title/subject). Thank you to those that have posted already-it really makes our day.
We hope you all enjoyed completing our home learning activities last week. There were lots of activities to keep you busy. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage to complete them all- it’s all about doing what you can and trying your best.
We have put together some more resources this week, which we would like you to do at home throughout the week. For the English and Maths (Oak Academy) lessons, please move onto Week 3 and continue to work through the daily lessons.
This week, we'd also like to invite you and your family to join in the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of VE Day, which is happening on Friday 8th May. Please click on the link on the school website homepage or here. 
Although it is important that you keep a little routine and keep your brain working, please make sure that you are having some free time: staying active, being creative and having fun with your family.
Stay safe and keeping smiling!
You’ve got this!
Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage, Miss Wilcox and Mrs Rumble.
Week Commencing 27th April 2020
Hello Year 5!
We hope you’re all safe and well and enjoying the time at home with your families. We are missing you all very much. We are extremely proud of the hard work you have all put in when we were at school and of all of your amazing achievements. You should be very proud of yourselves too.
We have put together some resources, which we would like you to do at home through the week. There are different activities linked to each of the different subject areas. We will be updating this weekly.
As it is the summer term, we are starting our new topic- Stars and Stripes - which is all about the United States of America. Each week, we will be giving you some tasks linked to America – maybe you could find some interesting facts out and send us something that we can learn too! We would also like you to read at least once a day. Remember reading for pleasure can include anything such as a magazine or listening to a story online.
Even though it is important that you complete your subject activities, you must also make time to have some fun and enjoyment with your family members. We hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine we’ve had.
Stay safe and look after yourselves and your families.
You are wonderful!
Miss Wilcox, Mrs Kumar, Mrs Savage and Mrs Rumble