Gig Mill Primary School
Together we care, together we succeed
Keeping Children Safe Online - click for further information and links on keeping your child safe when using the internet.
Thinkuknow - Online Safety Activities
RM Unify - Log in at home using your school login details. This allows them to use any of the programs we have on unify at home - possibilities include Purple Mash J2e - coding J2code and animation programs (Spotlight), presenting tools and spelling.
One Minute of Music - please click here to listen to our Year 4 children singing and playing the recorders for the 'One Minute of Music' initiative from DPA (Dudley Performing Arts
For more information about the 'one minute of music' part of the 'Big Play Day' - Please click here
Recorders -
Recorder lesson - w/c 20th April 2020 - Please see attached letter from Mrs Bayliss
Mrs Bayliss our recorder teacher has kindly uploaded a lesson onto Charnaga with a video and audio message attached - Access the website here - If your child cannot remember their login details, please email us at
BBC Bitesize - Daily lessons released for Maths and English for all year groups, as well
as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more.
TT Rockstars - Times Table Practice
Hit the Button - Quick fire number facts game
Mr Walter's Key Stage 2 Mathematical Games - from Nrich website
Notes for parents available here (please read first!)
More Mr Walter's Mathematical games (again, using the Nrich website)
Maths on the Move - Home Challenge - Activities you can do at home to combine physical
activities and maths together - including Trail sheet
Sumdog - Number facts practice
IXL Learning - Activities linked to Year 4 national curriculum objectives
Top Marks - Activities for all areas of maths
Transum - Maths Puzzles and Games
Symmetry 1
Convert improper and mixed fractions
My Mini Maths - Lots of home learning resources, video clips, and mini tasks
Classroom Secrets - Interactive Reading Comprehensions
Storytime online - Online stories
Oxford Owl - e-books for children to read
World Book Day - Goods introduced to Key Stage 2 Children
Classroom Secrets - Word searches linked to Year 4 spelling
Classroom Secrets - Activities linked to Year 4 GPS objectives
IXL - Activities linked to Year 4 National Curriculum objectives
BBC - 12 videos about Ancient Egyptians
Egyptian Museum Virtual Tour
Grid Club - Activities linked to Ancient Egyptians
Capitals, Countries and Landscapes
Mr Donn - Games and Puzzles linked to Egyptians
BBC Schools - lots of videos and activities for children to use at home on a range of topics
Science Kids - Activity linked to Teeth
Science Kids - Activity linked to Food Chains
WhizzPopBang - Science Activities for Year 4
James Dyson Foundation - Challenge cards for Science Activities
Hour of code - Coding Activities
Scratch - Coding Activities
Go Noodle - Learning games and short activities to get children moving
BBC Supermovers - Physical activities linked to Maths and English learning
Cosmic Kids - Yoga
New member sign up - fill it in with an email and create a password.