Gig Mill Primary School
Together we care, together we succeed
Keeping Children Safe Online - click for further information and links on keeping your child safe when using the internet.
​Thinkuknow - Online Safety Activities
RM Unify - Log in at home using your school login details. This allows them to use any of the programs we have on unify at home possibilities include Purple Mash, J2e - coding, J2Code and animation programs (Spotlight), presenting tools and spelling and SATs practice questions in J2blast.
BBC Bitesize - Daily lessons released for Maths and English for all year groups, as well
as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more.
White Rose Maths - White Rose will be posting activities to complete and at home help videos to support maths learning at home.
Mr Walter's Key Stage 2 Mathematical Games - from Nrich website
Notes for parents available here (please read first!)
More Mr Walter's Mathematical games (again, using the Nrich website)
Maths on the Move - Home Challenge - Activities you can do at home to combine physical
activities and maths together - including Trail sheet
Top Marks - Go to the 'Daily 10' website and answer the 10 questions on your chosen area.
Explore Year Six Maths Skills
TT Rockstars - Times tables practice
Sumdog - Maths Facts practice
Transum - Maths puzzles and games
Top Marks - Activities for all maths areas
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths facts games, free online or can be downloaded as an app for a small charge
MathsZone - Range of Maths activities and games
My Mini Maths - Arithmetic style SATs questions can be explored
Lit Film Fest - different styles of writing activities with video tutorials
Pobble - Access to writing ideas, different daily writing stimulus
World Book Day - Lots of reading related activities and online books to listen to
We will soon be starting our text study on 'Street Child' by B. Doherty - if children are able to access a copy of this text they could begin pre-reading.
BBC - Actor Andy Serkis reading all of 'The Hobbit' online from Friday 8th May - more information available by clicking here
BBC Bitesize - Children can watch videos about light
The School Run - Learn more about our unit on light, with suggested activities that can be completed at home to explore light further
The School Run - Learn more about our next topic on electricity
Learning Circuits - Interactive website to explore circuits and electricity
WhizzPopBang - Free science activities for Year 6.
James Dyson Foundation - Challenge Cards for Science activities
Topic - Maya
Where did the Maya live? What jobs did they have? What were their buildings like? How have our lives been shaped by the Maya today?
Use the links below to research life in Maya society and answer these questions. You could present your research in a powerpoint or as an information booklet (use pictures with captions) to add details to your writing
BBC (history of early civilisations)
BBC (Lost Lands)
Who were the Mayan Gods? - Find out more about them and then design your own Maya God - don't forget to explain what role it would have had for the Mayan people e.g. health, harvest, weather.
DK find out - Mayan Gods
BBC - Maya
BBC Bitesize - Maya Videos
The School Run - Information and ideas to try at home linked to our topic
Topic - Victorian Britain/The Industrial Revolution
Grid club - activities relating to Victorian Britain
PE/Get Active
Go Noodle - Learning games and short activities to get children moving
BBC Supermovers - Physical activities linked to Maths and English learning
Scratch - Free to use and download coding program
Hour of code - Coding activities
New member sign up - fill it in with an email and create a password.