Gig Mill Primary School
Together we care, together we succeed
Week commencing 13th July 2020
Hi Year 6,
We know that the end to your time at primary school hasn’t been how any of us had planned but we hope that you have been able to think back on your time with us and the rest of your primary school years in the transition activities over the last few weeks with many happy memories. We are sure that remembering your favourite trips, visitors into school, Sports Days and nativity plays plus much more will have brought smiles to you and your parents’ faces.
This week on our overview, we have a final activity to bring to a close our Made in the Midlands topic and a chance to finish reading Street Child, which we have really been enjoying with the bubbles in school and we’re looking forward to finding out how it finishes. We all hope Jim finds a way to escape Grimy Nick’s boat, do you?
It has been our absolute privilege to teach you all during your last year at Gig Mill. Keep up your hard work as you move on to your new schools. First impressions mean so much, so show your new teachers all the wonderful things you can do and demonstrate the values that have meant so much to you during your time at Gig Mill – equality, perseverance, honesty, respect, collaboration and creativity. We know that the opportunities that lie ahead for you all are very exciting and we have heard that your secondary schools are busy getting ready to support you from September.
We are so proud of you all Year 6 and wish you all the very best for the next part of your school journey. Keep aiming high and you will go far.
Stay safe over the summer,
Mrs Daniels, Mrs Griffin, Miss Kamudu, Mr Jones, Mr Walter and Mrs Powell.
Week commencing 6th July 2020
Hi everyone,
Once again we hope everyone is okay and making full use of the weekly overviews we are sending home. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of continuing with your education as you begin to transition to your high schools.
We have all been really enjoying Street Child in school and hopefully you have been able to follow along with the online version and writing activities on the overview. We hope you have all had a chance to see us reading part of Street Child recently and hope it brought some of you a smile or two, we are all certainly missing you! Thank you for your work that have you been sending in and completing on Purple Mash. It Is great to see so many still working hard at home.
Make sure you take a look at the Road Safety newsletter we are also sharing with you this week; it is really important that you take time to work out your new route to school in September and begin to figure out any safe crossing points you can use on your journey. There is an activity this week linked to road safety on our overview.
Along with this, we hope that you are taking this extra time to think about your transition to your high school and that you are using some of the ideas on the overview to begin to prepare yourself for your new start. Although it may seem scary at the moment, we know you will all be fine and love your new opportunities, wherever they may be. Also this week, have a look at this series of videos from celebrities about High School to give you some more ideas about your new start.
Stay safe.
The Year 6 team.
Week commencing 29th June 2020
Hello Year 6,
We have an outdoor link in both the Science and Maths part of the overview this week so it’s a good opportunity to spend a little more time outside. Hopefully the weather will keep being kind to us. We would like to thank those of you that have sent more work in this week, it really is lovely to see all the hard work you are doing at home.
This week’s maths is all about graphs and charts, which we think is hard to do at home without graph paper. As a result we want you to release your inner creative side and see how you could present your findings without using squared paper. You will see on the overview that we have used strips of paper for the labels and then different sized sticks to represent how many of each bird was spotted. You could use spaghetti, pasta, leaves, stones, anything you can think of to represent the different data. Hope you enjoy getting out and seeing some wildlife in your local area or garden. Please send in your results to and we can see which birds are most popular in our local area and collate a Stourbridge chart of local birds.
Our wellbeing focus remains as perseverance this week as we all feel it really is important to take note of how each and everyone one of you and your families have persevered through some very tricky times. We should all be very proud of how we have handled these times and take time to remember this as we continue to get through this difficult time.
Finally, this week, you will notice in our overviews that where a video is being used from YouTube we are accessing it through SafeYouTube to make sure that the content that you see is always safe and suitable. You will now only see the video that we wish to share via the link on our overview which helps to ensure that we are all keeping safe online
We all hope you enjoy this week’s learning and please send more of your fabulous work in for us to see.
We miss you all,
The Year 6 team.
Week commencing 22nd June 2020
Hi Year 6,
We hope everyone is still well and still finding new opportunities to keep busy during this unusual time. As lockdown eases, hopefully it will allow for more of you to try new things and use this extra time to find new hobbies and activities you enjoy that you may be able to continue at secondary school. We hope you enjoy the first of our secondary transition activities on our overview this week.
It’s nice to hear how lots of you are enjoying the work we are putting on the weekly overview and thank you for sending in pieces of work you have been doing and stories you want to share with us, we love hearing and seeing them. Please keep this up using We are so proud of everything you’ve achieved and shared with us.
In science you can create your own animal that is adapted to life in Antarctica. Whether you can access the website or not this is something you can all do using your knowledge of Antarctica and some of the conditions your animal would need to survive. Think about the climate, icy conditions, availability of fresh water and the lack of food in Antarctica, making it challenging for anything to survive. How will your creature survive these testing conditions?
The wellbeing theme for this week is resilience and perseverance – these are key qualities that we know you all hold and will have been very useful over the last 12 weeks. We hope you enjoy the activities linked to these qualities on this week’s plan.
Stay happy and healthy.
The Year 6 team.
Week commencing 15th June 2020
Hello Year 6,
Really hope you are all keeping well, whether you are in school, childcare or at home, we are thinking of you all.
This week sees a couple of new opportunities to get involved in, through your home-learning. Firstly, it is the 950th birthday of Dudley Castle – find out more on the overview about how you can be involved in their celebrations and maybe win free entrance tickets for you and your family.
Furthermore, we also have an opportunity for you to take part in a survey created by Roger who visited us in school from Pupils to Parliament. Click on the link on the overview and use the password sent to your parents (via text) to access the questions and have your say on this new topic.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll start to complete some activities reflecting on your time at primary school. Why don’t you start to collect together any photos you have at home over the last 7 years since you started primary school – do you have any class photos or individual school photographs? These will help you to remember the time you have spent at primary school. We’re sure you will enjoy looking at any old photographs and remembering your teachers and classmates from years gone by.
Whether you are in school, in childcare or working at home, keep trying your best and try to keep motivated knowing all the work you can do now will help you prepare for your next steps in September. Stay safe and keep in touch with us via the account (using Y6 in the subject header.)
The Year 6 Team
Mrs Daniels, Mrs Griffin, Miss Kamudu, Mr Jones, Mr Walter & Mrs Powell
Week Commencing 8th June 2020
Hi Year 6,
We have been spending more time back in school making preparations so the school is ready for those of you who are returning. We are all looking forward to seeing some of you and for those at home we will be continuing to share with you plenty of ideas to keep you learning at home.
Don’t worry if you are not returning to school this week and are staying at home, you can access all the work on the overviews, as this will be the basis for the lessons in school and it is important for you to try and complete as much of the work as you can as it is good preparation for secondary school. It also allows you to discuss and share ideas with your friends about some of the things you have tried, whether that be from being in school or continuing learning at home.
We would love to see your attempts at the cabin challenge from last week as it is always interesting to see how the cabin size compares to your bedrooms and houses. We are sure you have a new appreciation for the conditions in which the boatmen and their families lived and worked.
Whilst enjoying the weather last week, did you manage to make ‘water walk’? Mr Jones tried it at home and it was fascinating. How many of the Nrich games have you tried, there are so many to choose from, which is your favourite?
When thinking about the World Oceans Day on 8th June, share with us your poster designs that would help limit the amount of plastics in the ocean. If there is anything else you have done or thought about which could help this crisis, let us know. Remember you can send any of your work to (remember to put Y6 in the email title/header).
There is still so much time you can spend on your learning before the end of the summer term, looking for ways to keep your mind active and improve in an area you may have found harder when in school. This could be: learning all of your times tables with instant recall, challenging your physical ability or choosing a book from different author.
We all hope you and your families are healthy and well.
The Year 6 team.
Week Commencing 1st June 2020
Hi Year 6,
We hope you had a wonderful half term and enjoyed maybe trying something new, like learning a new skill, being creative or trying a new sport. This is the perfect time to get into a new hobby and really perfect those skills; Miss Kamudu has enjoyed trying some new yoga moves, Mrs Daniels has been learning some Spanish with her children, Mrs Griffin has been improving her gardening skills, Mr Jones has been crafting using pebbles and bark collected from walks, Mr Walter finished a video game on medium difficulty setting and is now trying to complete it again on hard and Mrs Powell has been improving her bread making skills.
Hopefully you had time to set up and complete your indoor or outdoor mini sports day and I’m sure you had lots of fun creating your own event – it would be fantastic to see some photos or videos of this. Thank you for the photos sent in of your gardens and near-by outside spaces via the school email, the Y6 teachers have loved seeing these – it really is such a beautiful time of year. Please continue to send us photos of your work and activities you have been enjoying whilst being at home to (remember to put Y6 in the email title/header).
It is a really important time to make sure you continue learning a little bit every day, ready for starting in Year 7. We are midway through our Made in the Midlands topic and hope you have enjoyed creating your own canal artwork, putting yourself in the shoes of a navvy and creating your own maps. There is a canal boat challenge to keep you busy this week, a new Science experiment to have a go at and a new exciting Maths App called EasiMaths (look out for it on your RM Unify launchpad, there are lots of fun, engaging activities to try) – we hope these keep you focused on your learning as you would be in school.
Purple Mash is a fantastic place for you to share any work with us – please log in via your RM Unify – we would really like to know about the APP you created; use one of the 2write templates to tell us all about it, remember to save your work – you’ll find the instructions by clicking on the ‘Work’ tab, Class, then 6K, 6J or 6DG, also look out for the ‘2dos.’ Don’t worry if you haven’t been on yet, there is still plenty of time to look!
We are all really missing you all, please continue to keep safe and keep active.
Mrs Daniels, Miss Kamudu, Mrs Griffin, Mr Walter, Mr Jones and Mrs Powell.
Week Commencing 11th May 2020
Hello Year 6,
We hope that you enjoyed completing the activities we set for you last week and that taking part in the 75th anniversary celebrations of VE day with your family was fun. It’s been exciting to hear how you are getting on - receiving photographs, messages and examples of your super work. Remember to keep us updated by emailing the tasks you’ve completed to (please put Y6 in the email title/subject).
This week in Geography we would like you to become a map detective and use all the skills you have developed. Examine the maps we have included (and any other examples you find) and use them to create a map of your own. We would also like you to research the reasons locks were originally invented.
Try to demonstrate to someone at home how they work - you could use illustrations or maybe even create a working model! Remember to keep all the work you do on the local study in a folder and add to it each week. For Science, we would like you to use what you learnt about circuits last week, to create one on the lab simulation, to light a bulb. The bulb lights up yellow when it works, if you can do this, have a go at investigating what happens to the bulbs brightness when adding more bulbs. Throughout the week, try out some of the suggestions to get active; next week the year six teachers will be sharing with you the ways we have also been keeping fit and active.
This week would have been SATs week and despite the tests not taking place this year, all of your hard work and learning is not wasted as it will be so important to you as you look ahead to starting secondary school. We think you’re all incredible - now just keep rising to the challenge of learning at home each day.
Look after one another and have a great week.
Mrs Daniels, Mrs Griffin, Mr Jones, Miss Kamudu, Mr Walter and
Mrs Powell
Week Commencing 4th May 2020
Hi Year 6,
Another week has gone by and we hope you are still managing to find some new ways to keep entertained. Did you see the video on our school website with many of the staff sending you a message? We hope you spotted us all; we are thinking about you all very much.
How did you find the Art task we set for you last week? We would love to see some examples of the canal roses you’ve created. Send them to (Please put Y6 in the email title/subject). This week, we continue our IL topic – exploring more about local landmarks and the history behind them. It would be good to keep all the work you do on the local area in a folder to create a project that you can add to each week.
We’ve set you some new reading tasks this week to add some variety to the texts you are reading at home as well as some physical challenges to keep you active. Remember you can also complete pages in any of your Year 6 CGP books that you have at home with you.
This week, we'd also like to invite you and your family to join in the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of VE Day, which is happening on Friday 8th May. Please click on the link on the school website homepage or here. 
We know lots of you will be spending more time on your devices than ever before so don’t forget all that we’d learnt in school about staying safe online and being kind to each other at all times.
Stay safe and keep smiling,
Mrs Daniels, Mrs Griffin, Mr Jones, Miss Kamudu, Mr Walter and
Mrs Powell
Week Commencing 27th April 2020
Hello Year 6!
We hope you are all keeping yourselves and your family safe and making sure that you look after each other whilst you are at home.
When we wereat school, we know how hard you were all working and we are so proud of everything you’ve achieved this year. We have put together some activities that we thought you might enjoy doing this week - it really helps to have some structure to our days when we are at home.
We are really excited to introduce our new topic, Made in the Midlands. Each week, we will include some new tasks, which will help you learn more about the history of our local area.
This week, we have an art activity – looking at a traditional art form often used on canal boats. It would be great if you could also look at the other tasks we’ve set, including a chance to start creating your own app.
Although it is important that you keep your brain working on Maths, English and SPaG, please make sure that you are having some free time: staying active, being creative and spending time with your family. Stay safe and keep smiling!
Why not send us a picture of your artwork or of a meal you have ‘collaborated’ on? You can use our new email address
Miss Kamudu, Mrs Daniels, Mrs Griffin, Mrs Powell,
Mr Jones & Mr Walter